Partridge Cage - Layer Addition (Easy to Clean, Hygienic Breeding)
$ 94.98
- Description
- Size Guide
Partridge breeding housing cages are designed to easily feed and supply water to partridges and also obtain high quality fertilized eggs. Partridges are placed to have 1 male and 2/3 females in each section separated from the other partridges. The slope of the housing floor forces the partridge eggs to roll forward to the egg collection area in the front part of the cage.Product is conveniently assembled and disassemble. It is easy to use, sturdy and durable. Strong plastic material used on the housing ensures comfortable conditions and the rounded internal and external corners prevent injuries.
We provide the perfect housing system for hobbyist, professional farmers and breeders who do not want to risk their business. Suitable for those starting their own farm and want to expand their mini farm in the future. More practical and useable than most professional commercial housing on the market.
Partridge breeding stock housing capacity to hold 9-12 partridges
Partitions between sections are opaque to prevent male partridges from fighting
Each division is ideally designed for 1 male and 2/3 females
Partridge manure resistant, bacteria repellent, long product life
Base prevents eggs from cracking and partridge feet from being injured
High capacity plastic feeder
Does not include a water tank
Plastic manure tray
Automatic nipple with watering dropper
Suitable to convert into a multi - tier design
This product is to add an additinal tier to the existing layer cages. It can be combined with the other type of cages and can be used as multi-storey block.
Product Block Dimensions:
L(37.8 inches) x W(24 inches) x H(19.3 inches)
Product Inner Dimensions for one layer:
L(35.8 inches) x W(17.3 inches) x H(14.6 inches front and 12.6 inches back of the cage)
Product Packing Dimensions:
L(38.2 inches) x W(20.5 inches) x H(5.5 inches)